The theme for the 2018 edition of Into The Great Wide Open festival was rather timely: ‘De Vrije Ruimte’ (The Free Space). A topic that could be interpreted as your own personal space or on a much, much larger scale. The one thing that we can all agree on is that it’s only possible to see where free space begins or ends when it’s restricted by a person or a barrier. After decades of opening borders and taking down walls, we now live in an age when borders are being rigidly redrawn and walls are being put back up. For the campaign we created a poetic response to the issue of this space-limitation; we erected huge temporary structures around the island. Despite their size, these walls and visual blockades aren’t restrictive at all. You could easily walk or look around them, or even through them.

Into the Great Wide Open
Creative direction, art direction, graphic design
2017 – 2019

2018 campaign in collaboration with Rogier van der Zwaag
Festival Photography Tom van Huisstede